In D.C. May 2-3: Midans of the Self, Sonallah Ibrahim

If you can haul yourself to Washington D.C. at the beginning of May, you should. 

If you do, you’ll find “Midans of the Self,” featuring talks by eminent scholars and translators (Richard Jacquemond, Samia Mehrez, Hosam Aboul-ela, Margaret Litvin, Robyn Creswell, Elliott Colla, Christopher Stone, Sabry Hafez, more!), a staging of Sonallah Ibrahim’s new play, “February 11,” a book-signing, and more. If you’re not convinced, you can read abstracts here.

They’ve also got a page of readings on Ibrahim. (There’s also this short excerpt from Notes from Prison online, trans. Creswell, and Google Books lets you peek at Zaattrans. Anthony Calderbank.)

If you’re still undecided, look at this great poster:
