Public Prosecutor Kicks Case Against ‘Arabian Nights’ to the Curb

According to Al Ahram, the AFP, and others, the Egyptian hisba case against 1,001 Arabian Nights has been dismissed.

Prosecutor Abdel Megid Mahmud threw out the case—brought by a group calling themselves “Lawyers Without Shacklers”—saying the epic tales had been published for centuries without a problem, and had been an inspiration to countless artists.

The “Lawyers Without Shacklers” group had filed the case after a new edition of 1,001 Nights was published by the government-run General Agency for Cultural Palaces, edited by venerable Egyptian author Gamal al-Ghitani.

They had filed a complaint with the public prosecutor against the book’s publication, claiming it was lewd.

According to the AFP, the prosecutor also made reference to a 1985 ruling which allowed the book to be published, saying the latest case brought no new elements.

Cheer, sure. Then go read it.