Does Your Book Club Want to Explore Arabic Literature (in English)?

I’m not sure I’ve ever formally pointed readers to Read Kutub, the Dubai-based book group organized by The Third Line Gallery.

Kutub organizes a flesh-and-blood book group in Dubai, but it also makes a number of resources available online. So if you have a book group in Cairo (why didn’t you invite me??) or London, Oklahoma City or Chennai, Read Kutub has all sorts of excellent, contemporary, discussion-rich suggestions for you.

Start by browsing the section titled “books we have read“. With each title, you’ll find an author biography, background details, ordering information, reviews, notes about further reading, and suggested discussion-starter questions. What more could a book-club organizer want?

When you’re done there, you can head over to upcoming Kutub books, or email them at kutub -at- thethirdline . com, and Katrina Weber, I’m sure, will kindly add you to their mailing list.