Many Jordanian Websites Black Today

In Jordan today, many websites have gone offline to protest proposed government censorship plans that include new restrictions on online content:

UPDATE: The law regulating online content was passed.

The new law — which would have to be “passed by parliament” — would require website “owners…to register with the government and obtain a license,” according to Global Voices Online.

According to, more than 750 websites have joined the blackout. Many others have registered their opinions elsewhere, including  Jordan’s former ICT Minister Marwan Juma, who wrote on Facebook:

I have an obligation to speak up! Not because I ran the first company that brought email to jordan, or was one the founders of Jordan’s REACH initiative, and not because I recently served as Minister of ICT, but because what is taking place in our sector, namely the attempt to censor the Internet, is simply wrong if not bone-headed! More from Global Voices Online.

The next hearing will be held tomorrow; isA the more (bad) publicity, the more likely the law will be shelved.

Thanks to Hisham Bustani.