Sayed Elsisi’s Book ‘Post Prose Poem’ Reportedly Banned in Lebanon

Academic Sayed Elsisi announced on Facebook that his new book “ما بعد قصيدة النثر” (Post Prose Poem) has been banned in Lebanon:

14595740_10154828693237952_5836013705775815660_nElsisi, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland, said on Facebook that his publisher had alerted him to the banning:

I just got the news from the publisher that my new book “Post Prose Poem – Towards a new discourse of the Modern Arabic Poetics” is banned now by the censorship in Lebanon. All the explanation we got so far is that the book includes some “Erotic Poems”. I cannot really imagine how such academic book can be that dangerous because of examining the erotic experience in the modern Arabic poetry?

Reviews of the book (here, here) don’t give much clue to why it would be censored. However, as the Lebanese free-speech organization March has highlighted, book-banning regulations don’t need to make sense.