Sunday Submissions: ‘Hawai’i Review’ Looking for Translations, Creative Translation, Multilingual Work

Hawaiʻi Review, now edited by friend to Arabic literature LynleyShimat Lys, is open for submissions of translation, creative translation, and multilingual work in all genres and media:

Submissions close August 1. According to the guidelines:

Translation: We are looking for translations in any genre, up to 3,000 words, or ten minutes of audio or video. Please submit both the work in the original language and the translation, and indicate whether the original language work is available for publication.

We particularly welcome work from female and / or queer translators, translations from lesser translated languages, and work originally in Pacific Island or Indigenous languages.

Creative Translation: This includes found poems, erasure poems, other genres of found or erasure work, creative mis/translation, homophonic translation, and related works. Up to 3,000 words or ten minutes of audio or video.

Multilingual Works: Up to 3,000 words or ten minutes of audio or video. Feel free to query us with longer or related project ideas.

You can submit online.