Saturday Events: Emily Drumsta on ‘Revolt Against the Sun’

This Saturday, we’re trying out a new regular feature, highlighting events that take place online. Our first is Emily Drumsta talking Nazik al-Mala’ika’s Revolt Against the Sun, which is set for February 3, 2021:

The Brown University event is set for 12 – 1 p.m. EST on February 3, 2021. You can register to attend the webinar or follow on YouTube.

Revolt Against the Sun brings together poems from each of al-Malai’ka’s published collections in a bilingual reader. You can read a review on Al-Fanar and hear Drumsta read a few of the poems on a recent episode of Bulaq.

A few poems by al-Mala’ika online:

“Night Lover,” tr. Drumsta

Revolt Against the Sun,” tr. Drumsta

From “A Song for Mankind,” tr. Drumsta

The Train Passed By,” tr. Drumsta 

“New Year,” t. Rebecca Carol Johnson, on WWB

“Love Song for Words,” tr. Johnson, on WWB

You can see more about the book at

If you have an event you’d like to submit, please send to