Take the Summer Reading Challenge and Win These ‘Beach Reads’

Take the challenge!

Simply promise me (below) that you’ll read one of the books on the “top 105” list (CLICK THE LINK FOR THE LIST) either in Arabic or in translation this summer. I will not check up on you, although if you would like to contribute a review, I’d be grateful.

You (might) win these beach reads!

1) Hisham Matar’s Anatomy of a Disappearance, published in spring 2011. Matar’s early interest in poetry is evident in the care he gives each sentence, which makes the book a (deceptively) easy read. Plus, key scenes take place at the sea.

2) Waguih Ghali’s Beer in the Snooker Club. Would you read it at the sea? (In a tree? With a bee?) This book, re-released in December 2010, can be read anywhere.

3) Samuel Shimon’s An Iraqi in Paris. Not only will this book be an enjoyable beach read, but (bonus!) it also won’t help you learn about Iraq.

If you already have them…

…and I draw your name on August 25, 2011, then choose substitutes from among these excellent non-beach reads out this summer: Mahmoud Darwish’s In the Presence of Absence, trans. Sinan Antoon; Anouar Benmalek’s Abduction; Elias Khoury’s As Though She Were Sleeping, trans. Humphrey Davies.

Further rules:

If you’re a member of my family or have had tea with me, blah blah blah, you are not eligible.

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