Al-Aswany Doesn’t Rule Out Publishing in Hebrew

Internationally best-selling Egyptian author and political commentator Alaa Al-Aswany was a guest on Yosri Fouda’s “Last Word” on Friday.

Al-Aswany has not had a regular outlet for his commentary since the loss of his Al Shorouk column, which he gave up after pressure was placed on the paper’s publisher. According to Zeinobia, he spoke on “Last Word” about the 2010 elections, the Dostour shenanigans, and Dr. Mohammed al-Baradei.

Al-Aswany also defended his decision to refuse the free Hebrew translation of The Yacoubian Building by the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information, which published the book without his permission. A number of international critics, including Egyptian-American author Yahia Lababidi, accused Al-Aswany of blocking a solution to regional peace and ignoring common humanity. A piece in The Guardian was sympathetic to his rights as an author, but suggested Al-Aswany was simply afraid of Egyptian national opinion on the matter, saying, “Perhaps Al Aswany is wary of being caught up in political intrigue beyond his control.”

But, according to Zeinobia, Al-Aswany said that he:

…does not reject the idea that his books would be translated to Hebrew[,] but not through an Israeli publishing house.

She also reported that Al-Aswany will have up a new website soon for his commentary (he also posted on his blog about that), and said that he plans to release his next book in 2011.


The full story (and video), courtesy of Zeinobia

Alaa Al-Aswany’s blog on Maktoob

Over at Big Think, Al-Aswany speaks about anti-Semitism

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