If You’re in Tunis Today, Take a Book to Habib Bourguiba

I love the mix of French and Arabic. Grab a book and come on down!

Tunisia’s government has reversed their ban on protests on Habib Bourguiba, but book lovers are still going out today — in the thousands, if Facebook events pages can be believed — to read in public.

“L’avenue ta9ra” — or “The Avenue Reads — is a collective celebration of the written word and Tunisians’ right to experience it.

The announcement on the event’s Facebook page says (trans. from the French event notice by Ahmed Medien at Global Voices Online):

And what if we took over the avenue? Not with our chanting and demonstrations, but with our books. As usual, the idea is simple: on Wednesday April 18 from 5pm, we’ll head to the avenue, and for an hour sit in cafés, on benches, on steps, a book in hand. It’s not necessary to get to know each other, talk to each other…We’ll recognise each other just by holding a book. It will be the first silent demonstration on the avenue, with no political demand; we want to prove and show that Tunisians read, that those who will change the world are those that read.

It is time to remember that our people are engaged, educated and literate.
Invite your friends, come in great numbers, let’s create the event.
To your books!!!

Free books!

The Arabic is slightly different, ending:  فمن لا يقرأ لا يغير التاريخ. (For he who does not read does not change history.)

Well, what are you waiting for!


@Saksow: La librairie Al Kitab distribuera des livres gratos pour ceux qui participent à l’avenue ta9ra 🙂 http://bit.ly/HSihaz #FB

Dhekra ‏ @Dhekra bravo o organisateurs de l’event “L’avenue Ta9ra” idée ingénieuse qui et qui fédère, j’esp voir le max d’amis à l’avenue #HB cc @EmelBenAli

Wonderful pictures from Fatima Riahi (@arabicca1):

Many more photos:

Facebook album by  Le Courrier de l’Atlas

Facebook album by Touiti